Category: <span>News</span>

Category: News

ATA Shoot Sunday Sept 10

Shooters: The RMGC will be holding a registered shoot on Sunday, Sept 10. Practice trap open at 9, shoots start at 10. Shoot program: 100 singles, 100 handicap and 50 pair doubles. Shoot any or all of the events. New ATA year so membership renewal required. Membership renewal can be …

ATA Shoot Saturday, Aug 19

Shooters: Reminder about the ATA shoot at the RMGC on Saturday, Aug 19. Practice trap open at 8 AM. Shoot starts at 9 AM Shoot Program: 100 singles, 100 handicap and 50 pair doubles. 12 gauge shells available at the club. Thanks for supporting your gun local club. Lunch will …

ATA Shoot on Sunday, July 9

Shooters: The RMGC will be hosting an ATA shoot on Sunday, July 9. Shoot program:  100 singles, 100 handicap, 50 pr doubles. Shoot starts at 9 AM with the practice trap open at 8. Lunch and 12-gauge shells will be available at the shoot. Thanks for your continued support. Safe shooting …