RMGC closed on Wednesday, July 4
Shotgun shooters: The Rocky Mountain Gun Club will be closed on Wednesday, July 4. Normal Wednesday hours will resume on July 11. Thanks for supporting your local shooting range. Safe shooting RMGC
Shotgun shooters: The Rocky Mountain Gun Club will be closed on Wednesday, July 4. Normal Wednesday hours will resume on July 11. Thanks for supporting your local shooting range. Safe shooting RMGC
Shotgun Shooters: The Rocky Mountain Gun Club will be closed on Sunday, July 8 to allow all interested to attend the Wyoming state shoot. Club will be open again as usual on Sunday, July 15. Safe shooting. Thanks RMGC
Shooters: ATA shoot at the Rocky Mountain Gun Club on Sunday, June 10. 100 singles, 100 handicap and 50 pair doubles. Targets are $27.00 hundred. Shoots starts at 9 AM. Thanks for supporting your local shooting range. RMGC Rocky Mountain Gun Club is ATA affiliated trap shooting non-profit club. Privately …
ATA shooters: Reminder about the 2 day ATA shoot scheduled at the Rocky Mountain Gun Club. Saturday, May 26: 200 singles followed by 50 pr dbls. 1st half Sunday, May 27: 50 pr dbls, 2nd half, followed by 200 handicap targets Very nice belt buckles for trophies. Practice trap open …