Rocky mountain Gun Club


Meat Shoot Friday, April 21

Mark your calendars for the meat shoot scheduled for Friday, April 21. Shoot for the prizes of the day and enjoy some of Todd’s gourmet chow. Shells are available at the club as well as loaner 12 gauge shotguns. Shoot from 5-10 PM and early shooters can shoot during daylight …

Friday, March 24 Meat Shoot

Shotgun shooters: Meat shooters: ALL: With the interest shown by numerous shooters at our March 3 shoot about additional shoots, we have scheduled another meat shoot on Friday, March 24. Mark your calendars and spread the word. Again-another March shoot scheduled for March 24 Thanks Safe shooting RMGC

Meat Shoot Closed Feb 3

As with many places around the county, the RMGC has more much snow than we need and can handle. With the wind moving the snow everywhere, the drifts are deep and plentiful. That being said, the meat shoot previously scheduled for Friday, Feb 3rd has been cancelled. With a Successful …