November 3, Reminder

November 3, Reminder

Hello shotgun shooters:

Just a reminder to all that the meat shoots will be starting at the Rocky Mountain Gun Club. The first shoot will be on Friday, Nov 3.

As in the past, shoot for the prizes of the day from 5-10 PM. Loaner 12 gauge shotguns are available at the club, as well as 12 and 20 gauge shells.

Our super chef of the day will be working on the dish of the day. Snacks and goodies will also be provided.

Gather up your shooting partners, don’t forget the gals and make plans for an evening of target crushing at the RMGC.

Also as in past years, the RMGC will be hosting the Outdoor Recreation Class from NCHS on Nov 6, 7 and again on Nov 13, 14. (8:30 AM – 3 PM)

Need volunteers, so any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

More info to follow.

Thanks for you support and help.
Safe shooting

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