Category: <span>Meat Shoot</span>

Category: Meat Shoot

January 2022 Meat Shoot

Shotgun shooters: Want to start the new year off with a bang? Make plans to attend the meat shoot at the RMGC on Friday, Jan 7. Shoot from 5-10 PM for steaks and bragging rights and the lucky card holder will win a rifle. Todd will be brewing up some …

Meat Shoot Dec 3, 2021

Mark your calendars to include the meat shoot scheduled for Friday, Dec 3 from 5-10 PM at the RMGC. Prizes for ALL you winners and snacks and goodies for everyone. Shells are available for this shoot as well as loaner 12-gauge shotguns. Also, some lucky card holder could go home …

Meet Shoot Nov. 5, 2021

Hello shotgun shooters: Reminder about the meat shoot scheduled at the RMGC on Friday, Nov 5. Shoot from 5-10 PM for the prizes of the day. Snacks and munchies will be provided all well as the opportunity to purchase the lucky card in the gun drawing. Loaner 12 gauge shotguns …

Meat Shoot May 7, 2021

Shotgun shooters: Reminder about the meat shoot scheduled at the RMGC on Friday, May 7. Shoot from 5–10 PM for steaks and other prizes. Snacks and munchies will be provided. Loaner 12 gauge shotguns are available and shells for the meat shoot are for sale. One of the warmest evenings …