Rocky mountain Gun Club


ATA Shoot on Sunday, July 9

Shooters: The RMGC will be hosting an ATA shoot on Sunday, July 9. Shoot program:  100 singles, 100 handicap, 50 pr doubles. Shoot starts at 9 AM with the practice trap open at 8. Lunch and 12-gauge shells will be available at the shoot. Thanks for your continued support. Safe shooting …

ATA Shoot May 27, 28

Shotgun shooters: Reminder about the upcoming ATA shoot at the RMGC on Saturday, May 27 & Sunday, May 28. Shoot progrtam: Saturday: 200 singles followed by 50 pr doubles-1st half Sunday: 50 pr doubles-2nd half,  followed by 200 handicap Practice trap open at 8-shoot starts at 9. Shoot for some very nice …

Meat Shoot Friday, April 21

Mark your calendars for the meat shoot scheduled for Friday, April 21. Shoot for the prizes of the day and enjoy some of Todd’s gourmet chow. Shells are available at the club as well as loaner 12 gauge shotguns. Shoot from 5-10 PM and early shooters can shoot during daylight …

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